More and more I’m putting myself out there. Just recently, HuffPost published a blog I wrote. Last May, I was part of the cast of Listen to Your Mother. A conversation on an airplane last winter resulted in an invitation to speak at The Yale Women’s Center. An article I was interviewed for, entitled Courage to Love, was posted on I’m excited about all of it, of course, but another part of me is saying, “Sit down. Be quiet. Who DO you think you are?”
Now I’ve never been one to live quietly. Anyone who knows me knows that. I’m one of those people who changes their Facebook status several times a day – and my profile pic and cover photo constantly. I’ve been a professional writer for close to 30 years. In the mix of articles I’ve written about others is a hefty mix of personal essays and columns. But this feels different. It’s as if the Universe is saying, “It’s time. Speak up. Share your story. Help others.”
This morning I had the good sense to climb on my yoga mat. After moving through several poses, I sat at the front of my mat, closed my eyes and breathed. Instead of the stillness I was after, monkey mind chattered loudly: “Who do you think you are? Who ARE you anyway? Your memoir isn’t even out yet and you call yourself a WRITER!” On and on and on…. Finally I said “Enough!” The chatter dissipated and the delicious silence finally arrived. In it came this: “You are a collection of all of your experiences.”
That I am. That I can share. And I want to—not because I want that spotlight shining brightly on me, but because I believe there’s valuing in sharing our stories. There’s value in using our experiences to help one another. I learn from you. Hopefully you learn from me.
Photo by Towler Photography